Post 36: "Remember Me" Part 1

From 13-Year-Old Anne's Journal —December 16, 1982 – FAIR "This lady is going to die & Charles has to find a home for his (sic) kids. Continued tomorrow."____________________________________________________From Tracy —WHAT A TEAR JERKER! This is a humdinger of a two-part episode. It's really, really not fair of Landon to hit us right at the beginning with partially drowned puppies and then 15 mins in make us face the death of Patricia Neal.Yes that's her with the velvet gravel voice. Some of you out there may know her better in Breakfast in Tiffanys as the hero's er um "patron." Here's her best scene in that flick where she is a very epitome of a"stylish girl."Her beauty and extreme talent shows through in this role as Mrs. Sanderson too albeit without a wardrobe from Pauline Trigére.Landon's writing really is great in this episode. Take this quote from her speech at the church:"I'd appreciate it if no one said anything right today. It's not a decision to be made in haste. It takes 9 months to have one child. So folks should at least think on it a day or so before having three."It's not quite as good as her line in The Day The Earth Stood Still  but then that's a high bar to clear.So can you tell I'm a Patricia Neal fan?____________________________________________________From Anne  —I sure can tell. Thank you for the Breakfast at Tiffany's clip. I wouldn't wear it, but she carries that plaid suit with much moxie.I remember my parents seeing me glued to this episode and gasping, "Oh my god, that's Patricia NEAL!" Her gravitas and acting chops raise this simple show into the stratosphere. Really caused Kevin Hagen, Landon and the gang to up their acting game. Wonder what made her agree to be on the show?Yeah, Landon pulls out all the stops, with the driving rain and the Bible verses. I remember feeling the deep seriousness...Patricia's face is like a huge elegant lily!.


Post 37: "Remember Me" Part 2


Post 35: "Haunted House"